Training & Workforce Management Software — Australia
When it comes to managing the PEOPLE aspect of business, 4PS helps your business stay organised in two ways: the employee record management software enables you to store information about employees, and the training records management software enables you to keep track of qualifications and training records.
Employee Records
Cumbersome spread sheets and filing drawers are no longer required. With 4PS, all information is available online 24/7 at the click of a button.
Training Matrix Software
How many times have you organised a job only to find that not all of your employees’ training or inductions are up to date? Our training register software system is designed to eliminate these problems, saving you time, undue stress and most importantly, money!
At the click of a button, 4PS can provide a comprehensive matrix and gap analysis of your employees’ training and qualifications for particular roles, including site-specific roles. There is also the addition of our Recruitment tab which allows you to store and search resumes of potential candidates.
Whether you are operating a small or large business, keeping track of where all employees are at any given time can be a stumbling block. Let’s say you have assembled a team to work on-site on a new job—only to be reminded that months ago, the key employee had their annual leave signed off for their pre-booked overseas holiday. Just after the project is due to start. 4PS allows you to simply glance at the appropriate page to know precisely where everyone is for the period you need to plan for. This saves you time and stress during planning and flag any need for casual or full-time recruitment.
This sub-module of the 4PS program houses and tracks all your employee records, such as their personal details, resumes, and their emergency contact information. 4PS provides employee record management software to help you stay on top of your employees’ schedules, including upcoming training days, site visits, travel days, as well as annual leave. These are colour-coded for easy viewing, can be viewed according to different date ranges, and there is the option to export the information into Excel format if you prefer.
As well as this, the 4PS system allows you to email updates to staff regarding their qualifications and training, such as when qualifications are about to expire, and keep electronic copies of their certifications within easy access.
What sets 4P System apart from its competitors?
4PS has an innovative feature which notifies the user prior to qualifications/competencies expiring. There is also a function for the user to forward notifications to the appropriate staff member for them to action. Notifications stay active within the system as a reminder until it is closed off by the user.
The system is constantly monitoring your business’s information and provides appropriate lead times for taking action on system generated notifications. This gives you the confidence that the people (or plant) you are sending out to a job will be compliant for the whole duration of the project.
Keep track and notify staff and supervisors of upcoming training;
All the information is in one place: personal details, contact information, emergency contacts, medical conditions, employment documents, qualifications and more;
Generate a matrix based on roles and project dates;
Find available staff for a project role, perform a gap analysis and display approved leave or training..